Pr François DESGRANDCHAMPS, urologic surgeon, Professor of urology at Université Paris Cité, Head of the Urology Department at the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris. Co-director of the translational uro-oncology unit of the « Institut des Maladies Emergentes et des Thérapies Innovantes/Institute of Emerging Diseases and Innovative Therapies (iMETI), Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission/Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)/Institut de Recherche Saint-Louis: Theme: Tumor-host relationships in urologic cancers. Author and co-author of 212 national and international publications (1679 SIGAPS points; h-index=35)
Dr Alexandra MASSON-LECOMTE, urologic surgeon, Lecturer of Universities-Hospital Practitioner (PUPH in September 2022), Urology department of Saint Louis Hospital. Researcher at SRHI, INSERM U976 HIPI. Member of the Senate of the Université Paris Cité. Member of the Oncology Committee of the French Association of Urology, Member of the EAU Non-Muscle Invasive Guidelines Panel and of the EAU European Section for Urological Research. Author and co-author of 72 national and international publications (705 SIGAPS points; h-index=19)
Dr Clément DUMONT, has been an assistant professor in the Medical Oncology Department of Saint-Louis Hospital since 2018. His clinical and research work focuses on genitourinary malignancies and cancer immunotherapy. He has been a collaborator of the Hemato-Immunology Research Department (CEA/SRHI) research team since 2017.
Cancer Care
The onco-urology activity at the Cancer Institute APHP Nord is structured around five partner departments: urology at Saint-Louis and Bichat Hospitals, oncology at Saint-Louis Hospital, radiotherapy at Saint-Louis Hospital, and onco-geriatric coordination unit at Bretonneau Hospital. Over the years, we have developed numerous partnerships with support services, such as radiology or nuclear medicine, anatomopathology, dermatology, oncogenetics, plastic and reconstructive surgery, but also palliative care and pain management units.
We pursue a constant process of structuring, improving the quality of urological cancer care for patients, and developing a high level of clinical and basic research activity.
Structured patient pathways are in place (e.g. radical prostatectomy, radical or partial nephrectomy, radical cystectomy, penile total or partial amputations), involving a team of surgeons, physicians, “announcement nurses” and advanced practice nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, stoma therapists, etc. Several projects testify to our commitment to better structuring and clarifying the patient care pathway:
- Setting up an outpatient evaluation unit associating drug conciliation, dieticians, psychologists, physiotherapists, coordinating nurses, social workers, etc. This unit will articulate with the geriatric pathway if necessary, depending on the age and fragility of the patients.
- Developing a treatment monitoring pathway involving dedicated advanced practice nurses (g. in the context of androgen deprivation prescriptions, implementation of a support care pathway, including physical activity, andrology consultation, and psychological support), as well as developing telemedicine solutions (OncoNect).
- Decompartmentalizing the various stages of the patient pathway throughout a collaborative nursing coordination (with participation in the various multidisciplinary teams).
- Strengthening the city-hospital link:
- Reinforcing the partnerships with surgical and oncological/palliative follow-up care facilities (already formalized for the Cognacq-Jay Foundation).
- Organizing regular training sessions for general practitioners (physicians) and nurses on the ambulatory follow-up of specific pathologies. Recruitment by online advertising + patient reports followed for these pathologies (project under construction).
Multidisciplinarity is integrated into our daily practice, namely in the structuring of our multidisciplinary team meetings and of patient pathways, but also in our constant reflection on organ preservation. This actually requires a multidisciplinary approach combining medical, surgical, and interventional radiological treatment alternatives. This approach is at the heart of our commitment to serving patients and is bound to continue and develop in the future. In this context, all the players are working to improve and optimize patient management by reducing the aggressiveness of treatments and by promoting minimally invasive interventional and surgical approaches.
All the services meet once a year for the onco-urological meeting of the Centre Expert Paris Nord. This meeting enables us to offer continuing education in urological oncology to our partners in the North of Paris and to homogenize/enhance our practices between Bichat and Saint-Louis Hospitals.
Quality accreditations:
- Urology department – Bichat Hospital: GRACE certification ( for the RAAC (Réhabilitation améliorée après chirurgie/ Improved rehabilitation after surgery)
- SIAM accreditation of the medical team with the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé).
- Nb of PHRC, PRTK, PLBIO, PRIME, ANR, CLIIP, AAP ARC, Ligue contre le cancer, FRM, GEFLUC, PAIR:
- AO Emergence 2022
- “BladCa” “Impact de l’immunothérapie anti-PD-1 sur l’hétérogénéité, la plasticité et la dynamique temporelle des réponses immunitaires induites par le traitement du cancer de la vessie”
- PRTK 2018 : OncoTheraGe
- GETUG 18 (PHRC 2008)
- Basic science:
- U976 HIPI: Team 9: Immunologie systémique humaine et réseaux inflammatoires / Pr. Soumelis, Pr. Xylinas, Dr. Ouzaid
- U976 HIPI: Team 10: HLA-G et autres points de contrôle immunitaire en oncologie et transplantation / Pr. Rouas-Freiss / Co-directors: Pr. Carosella – Pr. Desgrandchamps
- Writing of French and European guidelines for urological cancers: Comité de cancérologie de l’Association française d’Urologie (Dr. Masson-lecomte, Pr. Xylinas, Dr. Ouzaid, Pr. Mongiat Artus, Pr. Hennequin), European Association of Urology Guideline Panels (Dr. Masson-Lecomte, Pr. Xylinas), European Section for Urologic Oncology (Dr. Masson-Lecomte, Pr. Xylinas, Dr. Ouzaid), European School of Urology (Pr. Xylinas), etc.
- Coordination and teaching within the DIU (Diplôme Inter-Universitaire) of genitourinary oncology, Université Paris Cité, Institut Gustave Roussy (Pr. Culine, Pr. Hennequin, Dr. Masson-Lecomte, Dr. Ouzaid, Pr. Mongiat).
- Organization of the GETUG (Groupe d’Etude sur le Tumeurs Uro-Genitales/ Study Group on Uro-Genital Tumors) education days (Pr. Culine, Pr. Hennequin).
- Intervention at all French and international onco-urological congresses (CFU, EAU, ESOU, ESUR, ASCO GU, ASCO, ESMO, etc.).