Pr Nadine AJZENBERG is Head of the Hematology Laboratory of Bichat Hospital and of the Hematology Department of Bichat, Beaujon and Louis-Mourier Hospitals and member of INSERM Unit 1148. The laboratory has expertise in the biological exploration of pro-thrombotic pathologies, particularly in cancer, in close collaboration with INSERM unit 1148.
Pr Isabelle MAHE, Head of Internal Medicine Department, Louis-Mourier Hospital, APHP. Nord, Université Paris Cité.
- Inserm UMR_S1140, Innovations Thérapeutiques en Hémostase, Paris, France.
- Chair of the scientific board of INVOVTE-FCRIN network.
- Expert in thrombosis associated to cancer, as member of French recommendation working group.
- PI of the international phase 3 trial APICAT evaluating the treatment duration of cancer-associated thromboses.
Cancer Care
It is estimated that up to 20% of cancer patients may develop venous thromboembolism (VTE) at some time in their cancer journey. Cancer-associated VTE can lead to hospitalizations, morbidity, delayed cancer treatment, and mortality. Optimal prevention and management of cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT) is of utmost importance. Cancer patients face unique challenges and comorbidities that can lead to increased risks and concerns with anticoagulation. Oncological, surgical, and anesthesiologist teams from the six AP-HP. Nord hospitals are involved in the specific management of CAT.
The most complicated cases are discussed in a monthly multidisciplinary thrombosis board (MTB), with a specific computed sheet to prospectively register and present clinical cases in each hospital. Diagnosis, biological exploration (hemostasis), and therapeutic counseling are addressed at this MTB, or by direct contact with the referent team of each hospital, with a high-level knowledge of the patients’ profiles on each site, mostly related to the specificities of cancers managed on this site.
Pr. Mahé is an internationally renowned expert in the treatment of CAT, while Pr. Ajzenberg is an expert in the biological exploration of hemostasis diseases and abnormalities. Referent oncologists and specialists (pulmonologists, cardiologists, internists, and hematologists) also participate in this MTB and in the routine care of such patients.
Large clinical research randomized studies are sponsored by the AP-HP Nord in this field, exploring both the duration and type of anti-thrombotic drugs in cancer patients in relation with adverse events and recurrence risk. An emblematic ongoing trial is the phase III international APICAT trial (principal investigator: Pr. Mahé), which tests two levels of apixaban dosing for extended treatment in cancer patients.
The strength of this study is that it involves all clinical (intensive care unit, emergency department, pulmonology, cardiology), radiological (nuclear medicine, CT-scan, echocardiography), and biological (hemostasis, genetics, and immunology laboratories) facilities on each hospital site and benefits from a large recruitment of cancer patients (more than 16,000 new patients each year), with all tumor types represented (specifically those with the highest rate of thrombosis: digestive, H&N, urological, and lung cancers). Many of these patients undergo surgical resection procedures, which tend to favor venous thrombosis and require a specific involvement of anesthesiologists and intensivists in prevention and management.
In addition, the Lariboisière Hospital hosts a specific outpatient clinic called “CREATIF” for patients who have difficulties equilibrating their anticoagulant treatment, while a similar structure called “the anticoagulant clinic” and managed by hematologists (Dr. De Raucourt) for patients with liver vascular disease exists in Beaujon Hospital. Specialists in vascular medicine from the internal medicine departments in Louis Mourier (Pr. Mahé), Bichat (Pr. Ajzenberg, Dr. Alexandra), and Saint-Louis Hospitals (Dr. Gauthier) provide specialized counseling for patients taken in charge in various clinical departments. Therapeutic education programs labelled by the regional health agency focus on patients anticoagulated for any reason, including for CAT. Pr. Mahé is the head of the patient association “anticoag PASS S2D”.
Publications linked to the Project « Care pathway for patients with thrombosis and cancer from diagnosis to treatment », a multi-professional (doctors, pharmacists, nurses), multidisciplinary and collaborative project, which was conducted under the aegis of the INNOVTE network and in partnership with the learned societies, networks and associations involved in this care pathway:
- Anticoagulant treatment of cancer-associated thromboembolism
- Cancer-related arterial thromboembolic events
- Care pathways for patients with cancer-associated thrombosis: From diagnosis to long-term follow-up
- Central venous catheter associated upper extremity deep vein thrombosis in cancer patients: Diagnosis and therapeutic management
- Home treatment for patients with cancer-associated venous thromboembolism
- Management of cancer-associated thromboembolism: Introduction
- Management of cancer-associated thromboembolism in vulnerable population
- Management of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism from diagnosis to treatment: State of the art and remaining unmet needs
- Management of venous thromboembolic disease in patients with malignant brain tumours
- Recurrent venous thromboembolism in anticoagulated cancer patients: Diagnosis and treatment
- Treatment of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism in patients under palliative care
Basic science:
- U Inserm 1148,
- U Inserm 1140
Pr. Mahé is a university teacher in CAT for medicine residents (pulmonology, internal medicine, cardiology), teaches within inter-university diplomas (thrombosis and bleeding; thrombosis and cancer; heart and internal medicine), and is involved in post-university teaching.