Pr Laurent QUERO, is a radiation oncologist at the Saint-Louis hospital, head of the radiotherapy department at the Argenteuil Hospital (satellite department of the Saint Louis hospital), radiobiologist at Saint Louis Research Institute (INSERM U1160/University of Paris Cité) and professor of oncology at the University of Paris Cité. His areas of clinical expertise are digestive oncology, onco-hematology and onco-dermatology. He has been principal investigator in several clinical trials and is co-coordinating investigator in the randomized phase II ARION trial evaluating the addition of DURVALUMAB immunotherapy to chemoradiotherapy in non-operable oesophageal cancers. He is also responsible for the radiotherapy working group at the Cancéropôle Ile-de-France, the institution in charge of cancer research and care in the Ile-de-France region. In fundamental research, he is interested in the induction of an immune response through irradiation in digestive cancers. He is responsible for the teaching of oncology to postgraduate medical students as well as the national teaching module of anatomy/physiology to medical physics students. He coordinated the e-learning radiotherapy course for the first year of oncology interns at national level.
Dr Sophie GUILLERM, is a radiation oncologist at the Saint-Louis hospital since 2014. Her areas of clinical expertise are thoracic cancers, breast cancers, head and neck cancers and brachytherapy. Sophie Guillerm participates in several clinical trials dedicated to these pathologies, in connection with different research groups such as IFCT or GORTEC, and different APHP hospitals (mainly Bichat and Lariboisière). As a hospital practitionner, she is also involved in training of medical students.
Cancer Care
The radiotherapy department of Saint-Louis Hospital is the largest university and public radiotherapy center of the northern Great Paris area (2.5 million inhabitants), receiving adult patients from the AP-HP Nord University Hospitals (Beaujon, Bichat, Saint-Louis, Lariboisière, and Louis Mourier Hospitals) and from general hospitals of the northern Paris suburbs, while pediatric patients from Robert Debré Hospital receive specialized radiotherapy care at the Curie Center, in accordance with the regional CANPEDIF network organization. The department has two linear accelerators with IMRT/VMAT/IGRT (1 TRUEBEAM; 1 CLINAC iX), one linear accelerator with IMRT/VMAT/IGRT/SBRT/SRS (TRUEBEAM NOVALIS STX), two orthovoltage units (1 DARPAC + 1 Intrabeam [CarlZeiss]), and one brachytherapy unit (HDR brachytherapy). Such equipment allows modern 3D conformal radiotherapy, with all the most advanced techniques such as respiratory motion management (4D-RT), IMRT/VMAT, stereotactic radiotherapy, as well as MRI and PET-CT radiotherapy planning. The department also comprises an inpatient unit of seven beds including one for patients treated with radioactive iodine. The Saint-Louis radiotherapy department is expert in the field of breast, digestive, prostate, hematological, skin, and thoracic cancers, which represent the main part of its activity. As such, the team participates in several national and international, academic and industrial clinical trials. Practitioners of the teams participate to 14 multidisciplinary tumor boards (MTB) in Saint-Louis, Bichat, and Beaujon Hospitals, in the fields of thoracic, breast, gynecological, urological, dermatological, hematological, head and neck, and digestive oncology. They are also part of national or regional rare cancer MTBs for thymic tumors, sarcoma, HIV-related cancers, and rare dermatological cancers. Pr. L. Quéro is also the interim chief of the radiotherapy department at Argenteuil General Hospital, thereby promoting the development of this team and its technical and quality upgrading, with a policy of active cooperation between the two radiotherapy departments.
In September 2021, in order to be able to treat all patients referred to the Saint-Louis Hospital within the public sector and to reduce the time required for treatment, the APHP Nord and the Argenteuil Hospital signed an agreement to make the Argenteuil radiotherapy department a satellite department of Saint-Louis.
Argenteuil is the 5th most populated city in the Ile-de-France region, with over 110,000 inhabitants. The Argenteuil Hospital is the pivotal center for the French department of Val d’Oise (95), covering 1 million inhabitants.
The Argenteuil radiotherapy department has 4.6 FTE radiation oncologists, 1 resident, 7.8 FTE radiotherapy technicians, 3.8 FTE physicists, and 1 dosimetrist. The department is equipped with two linear accelerators with IMRT/VMAT/IGRT (CLINAC iX), one of which is fitted with an exac Trac system (Brainlab). The department performs stereotactic radiotherapy of the brain, lungs, and bones.
In 2021, the department has performed 806 treatments on 726 patients, corresponding to 13,349 radiotherapy sessions. Among these patients, 48% were treated by IMRT/VMAT and 6% by stereotactic radiotherapy. As a general radiotherapy department, all tumor locations are treated there, except pediatric tumors. Breast cancer represents 23% of patients, bone metastases 17%, lung cancer 12%, and prostate cancer 11%.
Basic science:
- INSERM U1160 (Pr. Quéro) Saint-Louis Research Institute, « Intestinal Immunity in Inflammation and Cancer »
- CEA/SRHI (Pr. Hennequin), « Onco-urology translational research group » (Pr. Desgrandchamps)
The translational and basic research is dedicated to tumor and normal tissue susceptibility to radiation, especially in the fields of chemo-radiotherapy synergy, radiation-immune response modulation, and radiation-induced fibrosis. Pr. Hennequin is member of the onco-urology translational research group of the François Jacob Biology Institute, of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA/SRHI), and of the French Institute of Research on Radiation and Atomic Energy. C. Hennequin’s field of research focuses on the study of the HLA-G protein with the objective of clinical applications at the level of (i) therapy, by promoting tolerance mediated by HLA-G as an anti-graft rejection strategy, while breaking down tolerance through anti-HLA-G for antitumor therapy, and (ii) monitoring, by identifying new markers for prognosis and treatment efficacy.
Pr. Quéro is member of the “Intestinal Immunity in Inflammation and Cancer” team (INSERM/Université Paris-Cité) located at the Saint-Louis Research Institute founded by Pr. J. Dausset, 1980 Medicine Nobel Prize winner for his discovery of the human major histocompatibility complex. L. Quéro’s work focuses on the induction of an anti-tumor immune response in tumors that are not or only slightly immunogenic by radiotherapy.
Pr. Quéro and Pr. Hennequin are among the main authors of the French guidelines on radiotherapy (RECORAD 2.0) edited each year by the French society of oncological radiotherapy (SFRO):
- Pr. Hennequin is editor of Cancer/Radiothérapie, the official journal of the French society of radiotherapy.
- Pr. Quéro co-coordinates the oncology learning module (UE9) for the second cycle of medical studies (DFASM1 and DFASM2) at Université Paris-Cité (more than 1,600 medical students).
- Pr. Quéro coordinates the medical teaching course (anatomy/physiology) of the medical physicist diploma (INSTN/CEA, Saclay, and Université Paris-Cité).
- Pr. Quéro was the coordinator of the national e-learning course in radiotherapy for first-year oncology residents (UNF3S).
- Both also participate to multiple interregional and national courses:
Radio-oncology internship of the Great Paris area; inter-university diploma in onco-geriatrics; medical oncology internship of the Great Paris area; inter-university diploma in digestive cancers; inter-university diploma in urologic cancers; university of Paris-Cité diploma in breast diseases; medical physicist diploma (INSTN/CEA, Saclay, and Université Paris-Cité); national courses for continuing medical education of graduated radiotherapists (Association pour la Formation Continue en Oncologie Radiothérapie [AFCOR]); ESTRO, ASTRO, and ESMO international courses.