Pr Céleste LEBBÉ, is professor of dermatology at Université Paris Cité, head of the skin cancer center at Saint-Louis Hospital, member of the Saint-Louis Research Institute, Inserm Unit U976 HIPI (Human Immunology, Pathophysiology, Immunotherapy), heavily invested in clinical and translational research on melanoma, and virus-induced skin cancers.
She was appointed Deputy Medical Director of the AP-HP Cancer Institute AP-HP. Nord – Université Paris Cité.
Dr Florence BRUNET-POSSENTI, is head of the oncodermatology unit at Bichat hospital. She has been working in the department of dermatology since 2014. Her main areas of expertise are melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer as well as skin toxicities related to anticancer therapies. Her research focuses on the implication of human papillomaviruses in skin cancer.
Cancer Care
Skin cancers are managed in 2 dematology departments (Saint Louis Hospital and Bichat Hospital).
Saint Louis Hospital has a structure dedicated to outpatient management of skin cancers: the dermato-oncology department.
All types of skin cancer (melanoma, carcinoma, cutaneous sarcoma and lymphoma) are referred and discussed in Multidisciplinary Tumor Board (MTB) with common guidelines.
Each department manages on-site surgical, medical (immunotherapy, target therapy and chemotherapy) and palliative treatments.
Saint Louis Hospital has a non-invasive cutaneous imaging platform with videodermoscopy, which is used in patients with high risk of melanoma.
Saint Louis Hospital coordinates at the national level three biobanks (melanoma, lymphoma and rare carcinoma) and develops active translational research and basic research.
Both centers enroll patients in phase III trials.
Saint Louis Hospital has developed access to innovative therapies in phase I and II.
There are strong interactions between these two dermatology departments (Saint Louis and Bichat Hospital) regarding patients with common toxicity multidisciplinary board, enrollment in early trials and recourse multidisciplinary board.
- Five MDT meetings (weekly) and one MTB (monthly)
- Recourse national MDT
- SLS and BCH actively participates to the following national MDT for rare skin tumors on a monthly or every 2 months basis
- CARADERM: rare cutaneous carcinoma ( mostly for adnexal tumors
- VIROGREF: rare cutaneous cancers in transplant recipients (
- GFELC: cutaneous lymphoma (
- INSERM U976 Saint Louis hospital, HIPI Institut de Recherche SLS: Team 1 (team leader for the melanoma task force: Dr. N. Dumaz): Dr. N. Dumaz, Pr. S. Mourah, Pr. C. Lebbé, Pr. N. Basset Seguin, Dr. J. Delyon, Pr. M. Battistella
- UMR_S970: Pr. E. Tartour: Immunotherapy and anti-angiogenic treatment in oncology
- Fondation Jean Dausset-CEPH et CNG-IG-CEA: JF. Deleuze
- UMR 1186: Dr. F. Chouaib – Integrative tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy
- CRCL – INSERM UMR1052 – CNRS 5286: S. Dalle and J. Caramel Équipe EMT and cancer cell plasticity
- INSERM UMR 1137, Bichat Hospital: IAME Equipe DeSCID, Pr. D. Descamps, Pr. C. Charpentier, Dr. Brunet-Possenti. Research area : Cutaneous HPV infection
- INSERM U976 HIPI, Saint-Louis Hospital: Team 1 (team leader: Dr. A. Marie Cardine): Dr. A. Marie-Cardine, Pr. C. Lebbé, Pr. S. Mourah, Pr. M. Battistella
- INSERM U976 HIPI, Saint-Louis Hospital, Institut de Recherche SLS: Team 2 (team leader: Pr. JD. Bouaziz): Pr. JD. Bouaziz, Dr. L. Michel
- INSERM U1160, Saint-Louis Hospital: Team leader : Pr. A. Toubert, Dr. H. Moins-Teisserenc
- INSERM U955, Henri-Mondor Hospital: Team P. Gaulard/N. Ortonne – Dr. J. Giustiniani, Pr. N. Ortonne
Solid tumors
At the national level, the teams participate to national congresses and drafts recommendations of national scope. At the international level, CME in international congresses can be mentioned (EADO every year, ESMO 2018, EADV 2021, SCOPE 2020) as well as the coordination and writing of European guidelines (ESMO, EADO). In addition to this, we also give courses and organize national and international congresses (JDP, EADO 2019, ESDO every year).
Cutaneous lymphomas:
Organization of meetings
The EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Group meetings 2014 (Paris) and 2021 (Marseille) hosted by SLS.