Pr Céleste LEBBÉ, is professor of dermatology at Université Paris Cité, head of the skin cancer center at Saint-Louis Hospital, member of the Saint-Louis Research Institute, Inserm Unit U976 HIPI (Human Immunology, Pathophysiology, Immunotherapy), heavily invested in clinical and translational research on melanoma, and virus-induced skin cancers.
She was appointed Deputy Medical Director of the AP-HP Cancer Institute AP-HP. Nord – Université Paris Cité.
Pr Maxime BATTISTELLA, is professor of Pathology at Paris Cité University and pathologist at the Hôpital Saint-Louis in Paris, where he coordinates the dermatopathology program for residents and fellows. He has published more than 200 translational or clinical research articles in the field of Dermato-immunology and Dermato-oncology (cutaneous lymphoma, melanoma, carcinoma, sarcoma). He is the lead pathologist of the French network for Rare Cutaneous Cancers, focusing on adnexal carcinomas. As the vice-president of the Dermatopathology club of the French Society of Pathology, and of the Dermatopathology group of the French Society of Dermatology, he delivers many educational programs for pathologists and dermatologists in the field of dermatopathology.
Pr Sandrine FAIVRE, Medical oncologist Sandrine Faivre is MD & PhD, focusing on Clinical Research & Head and Neck Oncology. The main scientific interest of Prof. Faivre is translational research at the interface of clinics and basic science, working on signaling in tumor proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, and microenvironment to generate scientific rationale for innovative cancer targets.
She trained in molecular pharmacology at Institute for Drug Development and Cancer Therapy & Research Center, University of Texas in San Antonio (Prof. D.D. Von Hoff) from 1996 to 1998, then graduated with a PhD degree in molecular and cell physiopathology at Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris VI in 2002. She became assistant professor at Institut Gustave Roussy (2001-2005) where she was vice-president of the Scientific Committee of clinical trials. She obtained a full professor position in Medical Oncology at Université Paris VII in 2007. Formerly deputy head of the Medical Oncology department of Beaujon Hospital (2007-14), she became Head of Digestive & Head and Neck Oncology in the Department of Medical Oncology at Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland) in 2014, before moving in 2019 to the Medical Oncology department of Saint-Louis Hospital, within the Cancer Institute AP-HP, Nord Université de Paris.
She has served as Investigator of more than 100 phase I-II studies, and specifically published the first phase I of sunitinib, temsirolimus, everolimus; investigating molecular biomarkers of sensitivity/resistance to targeted agents and more recently immunotherapy. She is a member of the AACR, ASCO, ESMO, and has published more than 180 peer-reviewed papers.
Dr Tiphaine LAMBERT, MD Medical oncologist, Assistant Professor, medical oncology unit, Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris Medical oncology residency in AP-HP hospitals.
Cancer Care
Patients with soft tissue sarcoma (including Kaposi sarcoma in HIV+ patients) are referred to the multidisciplinary tumor board (MTB) of Saint-Louis Hospital (Pr. Lebbé, Dr. Lambert), whereas deep tissue sarcoma patients (including head and neck sarcomas) are referred to the dedicated MTB of the Medical Oncology Department of Saint-Louis Hospital. These rare cancer patients are referred mainly by dermatologists or oncologists from the medical territory of our Institute (North of Paris and Northern suburbs), or by surgeons (such as H&N surgeons from Lariboisière or Bichat Hospitals). Both MTBs belong to the national NETSARC network (labeled Network for rare cancers by the French NCI, INCa), and their activity accounts for approximately 165 new patients yearly. Pr. Batistella is an expert pathologist in the field of sarcoma, working within the NETSARC pathology national network. Moreover, the Saint-Louis genetic department is able to search for all known RNA fusions described in sarcomas. All pathological diagnoses of sarcomas centralized and made at Saint-Louis Hospital are collected by a dedicated CRA for the national computerized NETSARC database.
- Head and neck sarcoma cases are registered and reviewed by the national REFCORpath (Réseau d’Expertise Français sur le Cancers ORL Rares) panel :
- The Lariboisière neurosurgery department is an expert center for skull base chordoma, another rare sarcoma which accounts for 26 new patients each year. These cases are discussed during a National visio-conference MTB dedicated to chordomas (ANOCEF). When indicated, proton-therapy, is delivered at the proton-therapy center of ORSAY-Curie Institute, the French national expert center for proton-therapy.
- Rare gynecological patients (uterine leiomyosarcoma) are referred to the medical oncology department when diagnosed by one of the three gynecological surgery departments of the Institute (Lariboisière, Saint-Louis or Bichat Hospitals). Pathological slides are reviewed by the PATHGYN national pathological expert panel.
- Digestive GIST are diagnosed by the digestive oncology departments of Beaujon, Bichat and Saint-Louis Hospitals, and cases are discussed in the Digestive oncology MTB.
- Exceptional thoracic parietal sarcoma patients cases (1 or less per year) are mostly diagnosed by the thoracic surgeons and oncologists from Bichat Hospital are then discussed at the Medical Oncology MTB of Saint-Louis Hospital. In case of surgical indication, the surgery is done at Bichat Hospital, while systemic treatments are given at the medical oncology department of Saint Louis Hospital.
- Exceptional sarcoma of the thoracic/arm junction (invading scapula soft spaces) are directly referred to another expert surgical orthopedic center from AP-HP network, at Cochin Hospital (Institute of Cancer CARPEM), and discussed at the Curie Institute dedicated NETSARC MTB, because of the specificity of the surgical resection evaluation.
- Children with rare sarcoma diagnosed at Robert Debré Pediatric Hospital are referred to Curie or Gustave Roussy Institutes (depending on their address) according to the CANPEDIF pediatric regional network organization.
Thus, a well-defined pathway is actually established for all these rare cancer patients who need specific and very specialized discussions and surgical care, with specific systemic treatments.
- 1 PHRC : ProtonChord
- 2 HAO : KapKey ; KapVec
- 1 PHRC : Altitude
- 1 Industrial trial : Ignyte
Basic science:
- Preclinical Investigation Lab (LIP) from Institut Curie (Dr. Decaudin) for the chordoma group (Pr. Froelich)
- U976 HIPI, Team Oncodermatology and treatments (Pr Mourah, Pr Battistella, Pr Lebbe) : translational research on response to new therapeutic in Kaposi Sarcoma,
Contribution to the establishment of the REFCOR Guidelines (RÉSEAU D’EXPERTISE FRANÇAIS SUR LES CANCERS ORL RARES/FRENCH NETWORK OF EXPERTISE ON RARE ENT CANCERS (Pr. Barry is a member of the editorial board, Pr. Faivre takes part in proofreading).
Contribution to the establishment of the Guidelines of the French Society of Cervico-Facial Oncology (Head: Pr.. Barry).
Organization of an annual medical education meeting about rare tumors including sarcomas (Pr. Barry – ENT service at Bichat Hospital).
- EDF/EADO/EORTC Guidelines Kaposi ESMO (Pr. Lebbé, Pr. Battistella)
- EDF/EADO/EORTC Guidelines Dermatofibrosarcome de Darier-Ferrand (Pr. Lebbé)
- Connective tumors of the oral cavity and mandibular tumors, UFR Odontologie, Université Paris 7, 2019-2020-2021 (Pr. Battistella)
- Diagnosis of cutaneous sarcomas, DES Course Dermatology-Venereology Ile-de-France, 2021 (Pr. Battistella)
- Online Education modules, national platforms DES, UNESS, in-depth phase Pathological and Cytology Anatomy (2019-2020-2021): (Pr. Battistella)
- Cutaneous sarcomas: tools and diagnostic orientation
- Leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma
- Pericytic/perivascular tumors
- Continuing education, Solid Tumor Genomics Department, Saint-Louis Hospital: Molecular biology in soft tissue tumors (2020) (Pr. Battistella)
- FMC, Hawaii Dermatopathology Conference, Pathology Education Partners : mesenchymal skin tumors of intermediate malignancy (2020) (Pr. Battistella)
- DIU (Diplôme Inter Universitaire) Infections and transplantation, on Kaposi’s disease (Dr. Delyon)
- DES Course on Kaposi’s disease in 2021 (Dr. Delyon)
Team members take part to the Scientific Council of the AVAC (Association ”Vaincre le chordome” / ”Overcoming chordoma” association).
Participation in the Chordoma Global Consensus Group for drafting guidelines:
Stacchiotti S, Gronchi A, Fossati P, Akiyama T, Alapetite C, Baumann M, Blay JY, Bolle S, Boriani S, Bruzzi P, Capanna R, Caraceni A, Casadei R, Colia V, Debus J, Delaney T, Desai A, Dileo P, Dijkstra S, Doglietto F, Flanagan A, Froelich S, Gardner PA, Gelderblom H, Gokaslan ZL, Haas R, Heery C, Hindi N, Hohenberger P, Hornicek F, Imai R, Jeys L, Jones RL, Kasper B, Kawai A, Krengli M, Leithner A, Logowska I, Martin Broto J, Mazzatenta D, Morosi C, Nicolai P, Norum OJ, Patel S, Penel N, Picci P, Pilotti S, Radaelli S, Ricchini F, Rutkowski P, Scheipl S, Sen C, Tamborini E, Thornton KA, Timmermann B, Torri V, Tunn PU, Uhl M, Yamada Y, Weber DC, Vanel D, Varga PP, Vleggeert-Lankamp CLA, Casali PG, Sommer J. Best practices for the management of local-regional recurrent chordoma: a position paper by the Chordoma Global Consensus Group. Ann Oncol. 2017 Jun 1;28(6):1230-1242. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdx054. PMID: 28184416; PMCID: PMC5452071.
Stacchiotti S, Sommer J; Chordoma Global Consensus Group. Building a global consensus approach to chordoma: a position paper from the medical and patient community. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Feb;16(2):e71-83. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(14)71190-8. PMID: 25638683
Participation in the drafting of the ANOCEF chordoma reference document
- Editors: Bruno Chauffert, Georges Noel, Sebastien Froelich, Loic Feuvret, Elodie Vauléon, Nicolas Penel
International training courses for skull base surgery and endonasal endoscopic approach:
- IRCAD/EITS Strasbourg
« Microscopic and endoscopic approach to the skull base »
Course Directors: S. Froelich, C. Debry
Editions : January 2010, January 2011, June 2011, January 2012, June 2012, January 2013, June 2013, January 2014, June 2014, January 2015, June 2015, January 2016, June 2016, January 2017, January 2018, June 2018, January 2019, June 2019, January 2020, June 2020, January 202, June 2021, January 2022
- IRCAD/AITS Taichung, Taiwan
« Microscopic and endoscopic approach to the skull base »
Course directors : S. Froelich, C. Debry
4 days – Theoretical and practical sessions
Editions: September 2010, September 2011, September 2012, September 2013, September 2014, December 2016, September 2018, September 2019
Organization of a skull base clinical fellowship since 2013: a large part is dedicated to the management of chordomas which are the center of the skull base activity of the neurosurgery department.
Since 2012, our team has welcomed a large number of foreign neurosurgeon trainees from: Japan, US, Canada, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, etc.