Program 17 : Geriatric oncology

Program 17 : Geriatric oncology


Pr Agathe RAYNAUD-SIMON, is geriatrician and nutritionist, head of the Geriatrics Department at Bichat – Claude-Bernard, Beaujon, Bretonneau (ambulatory) hospitals, Professor of Geriatrics at the Université Paris Cité and President of the “Liaison Alimentation-Nutrition (CLAN) » Committee of the AP-HP.

Dr Virginie FOSSEY-DIAZ, is geriatrician, with a board certification in oncogeriatrics, head of the geriatrics department at the Bretonneau hospital and palliative care (at both Bichat – Claude-Bernard  and Bretonneau hospitals). She is co-pilot of a Coordination Unit in Oncogeriatrics, called “UCOG Paris Nord (Unités de Coordination en Oncogériatrie)”, since its creation in 2012 with the Professor Stéphane Culine, oncologist.


Rachida QABBAL,
Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)

17 – Geriatric oncology


Cancer Care:

  • Multi-domain geriatric assessment (pathologies other than cancer, impact on functional and nutritional status, etc), discussion with oncologists in multidisciplinary team meetings regarding the treatments proposed for cancer (risks of poor adherence, complications and decompensation of comorbidities) and proposition/prescribtion of care for other pathologies. This is permitted by dedicated geriatric consultations, ward geriatrics opinion and the occurrence of multidisciplinary team meetings
  • Perioperative rehabilitation program
  • Hospitalizations in palliative care
  • Hospitalizations in geriatric acute care or rehabilitation
  • Consultation or advice during hospitalization, patient follow-up care (by both medical and advanced practice nurses)
  • Communication skills: general public information (open days, leaflets, etc)
  • Quality audits: HAS (on multidisciplinary teams), delays for support in breast cancers


  • Development of research in oncogeriatrics (medical, paramedical, human sciences, social sciences), commitment to include patients in several clinical trials
  • Collaborations with: NORDICAP (Pr. Aparicio), UCOG Paris Centre and Paris Cancer Institute CARPEM at Université de Paris (Pr. Paillaud), SOFOG, PHRC, SLS-Avicennes


  • Training provided to health care professionals interacting with the elderly in order to raise awareness about any sign suggesting the occurrence of a cancer, with the final goal of improving the health care pathway
  • University: coordination of an Inter-University Diploma in Digestive Oncology, participation to education in Masters, Board Certification in oncogeriatrics, etc
  • Scientific communication: participation to many conferences, committees, learning societies, university courses, etc. For exemple: