Three early phases CIC INSERM Units, dedicated to phase 1 and 2 trials are located in our Institute.
CIC 1427 - Saint-Louis hospital
The CIC 1427 located in Saint-Louis Hospital is totally dedicated to cancer early phases trials, both in hemato-oncology and solid cancers.
CIC 1425 - Bichat - Claude-Bernard hospital
The CIC 1425 is located in Bichat Hospital, with mainly non-cancer clinical trials, but comprises a “module” of 4 beds and a dedicated CRAs team dedicated to thoracic cancers, inside of the Thoracic Oncology Department which has been labelled by the Regional Health Agency for First-in-man cancer trials.
Both structures consist of the CLIP2 cancer early phases department, which is granted by the French NCI (INCa) every five years. Both structures conduct more than 40 trials in all the hemato-oncology fields, with published studies in the highest impact cancer or general journals (NEJM, Lancet, Lancet Oncol., JAMA Oncol. JCO, Blood…etc) with lead investigators and senior authors from the Institute.
CIC 1426 - Robert-Debré hospital
A third early phase unit dedicated to pediatrics is located at Robert Debré Hospital (CIC 1426), running clinical trials in non-cancer fields but also in the pediatric hemato-oncology field.
Each of these three structures possess their own CRA, research nurse, oncologists, dedicated to clinical cancer research including each year more than 120 patients in early phases clinical trials.
Commune processes and procedures are shared in adults CICs while pediatric CIC work with close collaborations with Curie Institute, Necker Pediatric Hospital (from Paris-Centre AP-HP Cancer Institute) and Gustave Roussy Institute, taking in account for the rarity of most pediatric cancers, and their commune collaborative work within CANPEDIF Ile-de-France, pediatric Cancers network.
The three CIC also benefit from their location close form basic science and hospital labs for promoting translational research protocols, either contribution to large blood and pathological specimens from patients with cancer, dedicated to biomarkers studies, or clinical cancer patients cohorts, prospectively studied for deciphering clinical, radiological or scintigraphy (PET-scan) prognosis markers.
In that specific regard the three CIC are part of the recently granted SIRIC “InsiTu”, the basic and translational research consortium of our Institute, recently granted by French NCI as one of the 8 French SIRIC, which gather more than 40 teams with the aim to understand and intercept early pre-neoplastic and cancer lesions deriving from chronic inflammatory processes.